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How do we present the work we have started to produce over the past few months?

You should have collected a large amount of artist research - at least 5 different artists/photographers/brand research pages

We need to PRESENT our artist research. This is how a previous student went about presenting their work.

Page 1 - Artist research Page
Page 2 - First response page
Page 3 - Second Response page with analysis

But how do we present these final pieces and how many do we do?

Once you have completed all of your research, You need to start planning and presenting your final piece.

Below, are two ways in which you could present your final piece ideas.
They are laid out as follows:

Page 1 - Idea
Page 2 - Research into ideas
Page 3 - Research into different aspects of idea (Typography)
More Pages - Final Piece attempts (THERE ARE 6 HERE)

With this set of final pieces...there were TWELVE final designs that were submitted that were all part of the same series.....your final piece does not have to be ONE poster alone!!!!

© KAnderson Bodmin College

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