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Extended Learning

You may find yourself having to complete some tasks at home in the near future.

This is a chance for you to use your camera or phone to practice getting better at photography

It is going to be difficult to be able to take photos in school BUT it is extremely important that you keep on practicing taking photographs outside of school!

All of your extended learning tasks will be to carry out some photography shoots to use in the lessons! You can do this on your PHONE or CAMERA.

It would be really good if you could purchase a memory stick (16GB is the best for this) so you can download your photos at home and then bring them to school for use in lessons!

BUT you can also save them to Google Drive or Email them to yourself!

If you take them on your phone, and bring your phone to the lessons, you MUST bring the cable with you! However, this MAY not work as every phone is different and sometimes doesn't work with Macs.

(USB Memory stick, Google Drive or Email is the better choice)

Week 1 - Portraits

Portraits are a way of presenting a person. You can tell a lot about someone by the way they are presented in a photograph.

Make sure you write down WHAT portraiture is and how it can be used. Who uses it, why do they use it? DO you like this style of photography? Are you interested in it?

Begin by searching 2 photographers of your choice to get an idea of what portraiture is. Create an 'Artist Research' page for each!

An artist research page contains who they are, their style of work, some examples of their work, your thoughts and opinions of their work, do you like their work.

Here are some ideas:

Lara Jade

Annie Leibovitz

David Bailey

Texas Isaiah

BUT DON'T JUST STICK TO THESE - Go and find some of your own!!!

Lara Jade

Lara Jade's work

Annie Leibovitz

Annie Leibovitz's Work

David Bailey

David Bailey's work

Texas Isaiah

Texas Isaiah's Work

After you have completed the research pages - try taking some portraits for yourself!!

  • Start by finding a model

  • Fill up the 'frame' of the camera with the person's face and/or shoulders

  • Take the photo! This is a portrait!

These are really useful tips for helping you take a good portrait! -->

Screenshot 2020-08-27 at 10.40.07.png

Focus on the eyes?

Is the model happy?

Is the model sad?

Play around with different lighting!

  • Take some in the dark using a phone torch to light the face some of the face.

  • Take some in lots of sunlight.

  • Tell the model to make different expressions

  • Take one on a black background

  • Take one on a white background

Do they have something unique about their face?

Freckles, moles, eye colour?

Do they have nice hair?

Is there a way a phone torch can make them look different?

Dwayne Johnson
Amanda Seyfreid
Will Smith
Michelle Obama

By the end you should have 5 different portraits that you can bring in to school!

Make sure these are on a memory stick, or ready to bring in! We will edit these at a later date!

Week 2 - Macro (Close Up)

Macro Photography is used to show what a subject is like close up. It can show what we miss and can even reveal something we didn't see altogether.

Make sure you find out WHAT Macro photography is and how it can be used. Do you like it?Are you interested in doing some yourself? What is the best subject to use Macro photography on?

A big part of learning a new skill is the research of it! Understanding how it happens helps you to take better photos.

Here are some ideas of who to look for!

Mike Moats

Have a look for some macro/close up photographers and see what you can find!

Aim for 2 photographers in your sketchbook to show different ways of completing this style of photography.

Take something SMALL and make it BIG

Liza Rock
Kathleen Clemons

Thats Macro photography

Macro on Pinterest ^

Make sure you understand what MACRO photography is and how it is used!

You should have 5 images:

- A plant/flower

- One aspect of a persons face (an eye, a nose, a mouth, the hair etc)

- Something you cook with

- A piece of food

- A random object of your choice (could be a keyboard, an xbox controller, a book, a zip, cat....It's up to you)


Remember to bring in your photos! We may want to edit them soon!

Week 3 - Alphabet Photography

The aim of 'Alphabet Photography' is to get you thinking about composition and the way you can manipulate an object or the camera, while taking a photograph.

First, search for 'Alphabet Photography' and see what comes up!

WHO is Jennifer Blakeley?

Start to create a page in your digital sketchbook about this technique!

What is it, how does it work, do you like it, where could it be used?

Make sure both of these are in the digital sketchbook!

Make sure you use words like:




See how this ^^^ spells out a word using objects that aren't meant to be letters?!

Now it's your turn to create a word, something to do with photography! Inside or outside

Your word should be above 5 letters

Every letter must have a different photograph


It could be:




Shutter Speed





What can you come up with?!

All of the letters need to be ready and brought into class for use in the future.

Week 4 - Shadows

What do you know about shadow photography?

Shadow 5
Shadow 4
Shadow 3
Shadow 2
Shadow 1

Start by researching Shadow photography, make sure you have a good understanding of how it can be done! GIVE SOME EXAMPLES!

The best way to understand, is to do it!

A shadow is the contour created when an object blocks rays of light from reaching a surface.

What's similar about all of these photos? Make sure you talk about this in your research into shadow photography!

You should have at least 2 photographers on your research pages that produce shadow photography.

Which one do you prefer??

Try and produce 4 photographs to create a shadow.

Here are some examples:

Some tips on creating some really good shadow photography!

What can you come up with?

Remember to bring in your photos to be edited in the future!

Week 5 - A day in the life

What does your day look like?

This is all about showing off your day!

Start by watching this quick 4 min video to get an idea of what this subject contains!

This is all about telling a story with your day.

Start by creating a research page in your sketchbook, explaining what this subject is about and how it is done.

Try and include some examples of photographs that others have taken!

Here are some examples:

What can you come up with?





















Try to produce 5 photographs that sum up your day!

What did you do for breakfast,

Where did you go,

What did you do in the day,

What food did you eat,

Who were you with,

Did you have to walk a dog,

Play any Xbox/Playstation,

Go shopping,

Did you do one of your hobbies?

The list is endless...

As always, make sure you have the photographs ready to bring in to school!!

© KAnderson Bodmin College

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