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A01 Develop.png

- Develop Ideas
- Investigate
- Research
- Analyse
- Annotate

These are the key points you need to achieve

Develop Ideas

This means taking your idea from the start to the finish.

Mind-maps, bullet points, explanations, initial thoughts


Use this for mind-map templates

You need to show HOW you are developing your ideas. Don't just stop at the first idea in your can this be improveed, what have other artists done to improve their work?

Gather your ideas!
Pinterest, Behance, Instagram

Investigate and Research

This means researching other artists that have had similar ideas in the same sort of area.
You need to analyse their work and respond to it. Remember, what is it about their work that you like?

Screenshot 2021-09-09 at 08.32.18.png

How do I analyse a Photographer?

Where should I start looking?


Pinterest - Fantastic for finding unique work and artists


Behance - 
Fantastic for finding professional work and explanations


This is all about annotating your workbook and making it clear exactly what you have done on each page.
Remember, we don't just want black and white pages for no reason!
Be CREATIVE with your work!

What should my sketchbook look like?

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Screenshot 2020-11-05 at 19.24.49.png
Screenshot 2021-09-08 at 10.07.01.png
Screenshot 2021-09-08 at 10.06.52.png
Screenshot 2021-09-08 at 10.07.08.png

© KAnderson Bodmin College

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